- How to Apply For Your DMP
- When does the DMP application period open?
- I bought my trapping license online/over the phone but still have not received it in the mail. Why?
- First time buying a NYS hunting license? What do you need?
- How can I replace my lost tags?
- What age do I have to be to hunt in NY?
- What does the hunting license cover and include?
- I have a Lifetime license, why aren't my DMP's free?
- My child is about to turn 12, when will they receive lifetime licenses carcass tags?
- How can I hunt on state/public lands? Are special permits needed, in the watershed, state parks, etc.?
- Does NYS accept proof of hunter education from other states or allow for the use of a previous license from another state in place of hunter education?
- Where is the bear tag for my 12 or 13-year-old?
- Has my county opted in to allow 12-13 year old’s hunt big game?
- Do I need a hunting license if I will only be bowhunting?
- Can I purchase preference points?
- Do I need to report something If I hunted but did not kill or wound an animal?
- How do I locate my HIP number?
- I purchased a hunting license, but it says only valid for a short amount of time, why is it not good for a year?
- If I accompany my child during their hunt but will not be hunting do I need a hunting license, back tag or anything to legally accompany him?
- If I have leftover tags, can I use them for the next season?
- When can I purchase the new seasons Hunting License?
- Do I need to have a physical copy of my license to go hunting?
- Can I use a NY hunting license in a different state or vice versa?